还记得之前有个《Lucky Draw Prize- Jooix Bohm Bracelet RM211 Giveaway!》吗?
来自新加坡的JOOIX 最近引进了几个新品牌 刚好遇到出席《2012新加坡部落格大奖》
有机会再次受邀 直击JOOIX Showroom 欣赏新鲜出炉的法国品牌
1. Moulin Roty
“Moulin Roty represents 40 years of dreams and softness. A multitude of characters and stories have punctuated the years.” from http://www.moulinroty.fr/
“Found in in luxury stores including Galeries Lafayette, Harrods, Saks Fifth Avenue, Mitsuokoshi, and Lane Crawford, Moulin Roty is France’s most reputable toys and gifts label. With a cute range of toys and gifts to delight children and the child in you!” from JOOIX.com
这些毛茸茸的小玩意 让我第一眼就爱不释手 超级可爱的~
触感与品质不在话下 那来自法国进口的设计 那一点点为小孩编织美丽童话的艺术气息
让我忍不住摸了又摸 软趴趴得 让我差点融化
最爱这小茶几 与小小方方的旅行箱子一套 (啊~好像带它去野餐啊~)
迷你尺寸 感觉有点像在玩家家酒
还有这些一系列的毛茸茸公仔 (洋娃娃还可以换衣服哦~)
恨不得把他们都带回家 呵呵
Moulin Roty family (Priced from S$25-S$150)
2. Paris Cheri
看看这些充满法式风格的ParisCheri小册子 是不是非常有吸引力?
好像马上在这纸上涂涂写写 呵呵 让生活中布满美丽梦想 可以让自己快乐
Paris Cheri (Priced from S$4-S$16)
3. AK-LH居家厨房系列
除了送给小孩 这些小礼物也可以是理想生活中的时尚用品
看看这属于中性的新品牌 AK-LH全系列抱枕 + 桌布 + 厨房用品布料
让客厅和厨房充满缤纷色彩 超能力来啦~~ o(∩_∩)o
AK-LH Collection (Priced from S$43-S$140)
Jooix – Jooix is inspired by the French phrase “joie de vivre” which means joy of living. We are big on uniqueness and quality: it’s all about bringing fascinating experiences to everyone, regardless of where or when. JOOIXDirector, Angelina Seow, trawls up charming finds in the obscure boutiques and museums; her favourite locations being the streets of Saint Germain, New York’s MOMA, or Daikanyama in Tokyo.
(上图:包着AK-LH超人系列抱枕还有Moulin Roty 著名的小鸭子 与JOOIX的创办人Angelina Seow合照)
4. Britto 品牌
抽象的手机套是不是很可爱啊?~ 我喜欢右边哪个 呵呵
既然来了JOOIX的Showroom 岂可以错过之前一篇《Lucky Draw Prize- Jooix Bohm Bracelet RM211 Giveaway!》介绍的Jewellery呢? 来看看实物照片吧~
更多关于JOOIX的饰品品牌 请点击这篇《Lucky Draw Prize- Jooix Bohm Bracelet RM211 Giveaway!》
【好消息】 又有小礼物送出给你咯!!目前JOOIX 送出20pcs KISS Jooix!Voucher (S$20)
20位被抽到的幸运儿将会得到S$20 voucher 只需要到Jooix facebook page 按照以下的游戏规则 任意选择其中一样就可以赢取咯~(当然完成全部被抽奖的机会越高)Any of below (if complete all, the more lucky draw entries you get)
– “Like” Jooix facebook page & comment on Jooix facebook page wall for example-> “WIsh me luck for the KISS Jooix Voucher! I came from www.valynlim.com”
– Post your favorite JOOIX item picture @ Jooix facebook page with caption “This is my favourite!”
– Share JOOIX posts/your favorite item picture on your FB wall
(Contest is open worldwide. Ended 30th September 2012)
JOOIX Showroom (Monday to Friday from 11am–8pm)
Address: 20 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #08-09 Technopreneur Centre, Spore 139964.
Tel: +65 6776 0223
6 thoughts on “法国品牌- Moulin Roty, Paris Cheri & AK-LH from JOOIX”
Moulin Roty 的东西 未免太可爱了吧 ~喜欢那些用不同格式的颜色配搭混合的东西~
很高兴你喜欢Moulin Roty!你可以在http://www.jooix.com/products/moulin-roty看一看其他可爱的Moulin Roty玩具~
okie ^^
尤其是那个iphone casing
呵呵 那个赞啦!!!